Meet the team!


2004 – 2017

 Pepper was Dan’s first ‘Ride or Die’ chick. She was instrumental in getting him through his 20s and providing the stability he needed to become the creator you know and love today. She was our biggest beast; weighing in at 98 lbs. Everyone loved Pepper and she will always be the Gold Standard.



 JB is the sweetest beast in our pack and serves as Dan’s emotional support beast when he is feeling overwhelmed with his projects. She is always down to be the little spoon. Her gentle demeanor has earned her the title of ‘Chill Dog’ from Bob RetroRGB.  



Sneaks serves as our courier and office manager. She not only brings in our mail but also delivers Dan his tools when he forgets them all over the house.



 Nacho is still a puppy but is impressing the team with her work ethic and loyalty. She is the supervisor of our janitorial staff as she routinely finds tiny screws and plastic pieces that Dan drops.

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